Download a Wallet

Why do you Need a Lisk Wallet?

You will need to have a Lisk Wallet in order to create your Lisk account(s). Additionally, a wallet allows you to interact with these accounts. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sending LSK tokens to another address
  • Staking on validators(s)
  • Unstaking on validator(s)
  • Registering a validator
  • Registering a multi-signature address
  • Unlocking LSK tokens from staking

Where to Download Lisk Wallets

Official Lisk Wallets can be downloaded at The page will automatically detect whether you should be downloading Lisk Desktop or Lisk Mobile.

Lisk Desktop


Lisk Desktop is available for the Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. This is the go-to wallet if you want full wallet capabilities on your desktop computer.

Aside from sending all of the various types of network transactions, Lisk Desktop also has the ability to monitor network events. These include delegate forging statistics, top account holders, most recent transactions, and much more.


Lisk Mobile

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Lisk Mobile is available for both iOS and Android. While it may not be as feature rich as its Lisk Desktop counterpart, it is a convenient addition for enhanced usability and convenience, as you can access your account anywhere you can take your mobile device.

While you may find links to both versions on, go can find the direct links here:

In this article

Why do you Need a Lisk Wallet?

Where to Download Lisk Wallets

Lisk Desktop

Lisk Mobile