
The Lisk elements passphrase package provides tools for generating and validating mnemonic passphrases.


$ npm install @liskhq/lisk-passphrase@3.0.0


To perform an upgrade, execute the following command:

npm update @liskhq/lisk-passphrase


This exposes the bip39 npm package for easily generating and managing BIP39-compliant mnemonic passphrases. Please refer to their documentation for full usage.


import * as passphrase from '@liskhq/lisk-passphrase';

const { Mnemonic } = passphrase;

const passphrase = Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(); // 'drastic spot aerobic web wave tourist library first scout fatal inherit arrange'
const japanesePassphrase = Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(null, null, Mnemonic.wordlists.japanese); // 'こやく そうだん ねだん せめる たらす むげん へんたい さめる おんだん こうてい ていこく におい'
Mnemonic.validateMnemonic(japanesePassphrase, Mnemonic.wordlists.japanese); // true

Additional validation methods

In addition to the validation provided by the BIP39 library, a helper function is provided in order to help the user to understand any errors that may have occured with an invalid passphrase.


This returns an array of validation errors to help with usability.


getPassphraseValidationErrors(passphrase, [wordlist], expectedWords)


passphrase: This is the candidate’s passphrase to validate.

wordlist: The wordlist for the passphrase, (default is English). Word lists are provided by the BIP39 library described above.

expectedWords: The number of words contained in the passphrase. 12 is the default value in the case where it is undefined.

Return value

array: An array of errors containing details about why a passphrase is invalid. The array is empty if the passphrase is valid.


import * as passphrase from '@liskhq/lisk-passphrase';

const errors = passphrase.validation.getPassphraseValidationErrors('this passphrase is not    valid', Mnemonic.wordlist.english, 24);
/* [
        code: 'INVALID_AMOUNT_OF_WORDS',
        message: 'Passphrase contains 5 words instead of expected 24. Please check the passphrase.',
        expected: 24,
        actual: 5,
        code: 'INVALID_MNEMONIC',
        message: 'Passphrase is not a valid mnemonic passphrase. Please check the passphrase.',
        expected: true,
        actual: false,
        actual: 7,
        expected: 23,
        location: [],
            'Passphrase contains 7 whitespaces instead of expected 23. Please check the passphrase.',
] */